
The detailed conference programme will be published at a later date.

Keynote Speaker

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Zoraida Callejas

Associate Professor at the Software Engineering Department of the University of Granada

Zoraida Callejas is Associate Professor at the Software Engineering Department of the University of Granada, from which she obtained a PhD in 2008, and is part of the Research Centre for Information and Communications Technologies (CITIC-UGR). Her research focuses on areas related to dialogue systems, conversational AI, and speech and language processing. She has published more than 150 contributions in leading scientific journals, books, and conferences, and has published 2 books. She has participated in more than 15 projects in European, Spanish, and local calls. She recently coordinated the EU H2020 project MENHIR, focused on the use of conversational technologies to promote mental health. She is also currently coordinating the research project CONVERSA, aboutvdata-efficient development and testing of innovative, open, and safe conversational resources in Spanish. She is also the coordinator of the RTVE-UGR Chair on Conversational AI and its applications in the media with the public Spanish National TV and Radio Corporation.
