Submissions (Call for papers)

Important dates

Paper submission: 10 June – 10 October, 2024

Acceptance decision: 28 October, 2024

Camera-ready: 12 November, 2024

Conference dates: 12 December, 2024

No Registration Fees

The organisers of 12th MIDI Conference decided that the conference will be available free of charge for both presenting and non-presenting participants.

Best Paper Award

This year National Information Processing Institute and Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology together funded the Professor Krzysztof Marasek Best Paper award that will be awarded to TWO papers, in the amount of 500 EUR for each awarded paper!

How to prepare your paper

The minimum page size for full papers is six pages and the maximum is eight, including references, appendices, acknowledgements and any other materials. Papers over eight pages in length will not be published in the conference proceedings.
Short papers may be submitted between four and six pages, with the same conditions as full-length papers. Short papers exceeding six pages will not be published in the conference proceedings. All accepted authors, regardless of the mode of presentation, are welcome to prepare papers for the conference proceedings.

When preparing your paper please use the following template:

You can find the templates in Word and Latex formats here: Templates in Word and Latex formats

How to submit your papers

All papers for the 12th MIDI Conference should be submitted using the Easy Chair conference system.

All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two independent referees from the MIDI programme committee. All work should be submitted via the MIDI submission page.

Special sessions

Special session 1:
Title: Enhancing the Security and Resilience of Cyber-Physical Systems

Proposers: Dr. Cédric Escudero
Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA Lyon), France
Dr. Jakub Mozaryn
Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Mechatronics, Poland

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) integrate computational and physical components, effectively
bridging the digital and physical domains to enable advanced monitoring, control, and
automation capabilities. These systems are prevalent across various sectors, including
transportation, energy, manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, smart cities, and infrastructure,
where they drive innovations such as autonomous vehicles, smart grids, and intelligent
The growing reliance of industries on remote access has underscored the critical need to
protect essential facilities from cyber threats. The current global context has amplified the
urgency of cybersecurity in safeguarding CPS against operational failures and cyberattacks.
While integrating cyber and physical elements in CPS enhances system efficiency, it also
introduces new research challenges due to the heightened vulnerability to cyberattacks.
A key research focus within this domain is the development of fault detection and diagnosis
schemes for controllers, sensors, and actuators, aimed at mitigating malfunctions arising from
cyberattacks. Additionally, there is increasing interest in the secure configuration of
controllers, networks, and sensors/actuators to protect these systems by design.

In this special session, we will explore innovative solutions and methodologies that address
the growing concerns around CPS’s safety, security, and resilience, particularly in light of
increasing uncertainty and complexity in system operations. We encourage contributions
covering fundamental research and practical implementations, fostering a comprehensive
understanding and discussion.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  1. Security threats and vulnerabilities in cyber-physical systems
  2. Resilient control, estimation, and data fusion amidst cyber-attacks
  3. Privacy-preserving control and secure communication protocols
  4. Techniques for attack detection, diagnosis, and mitigation
  5. Fault detection, diagnosis, and mitigation strategies
  6. Control and network reconfiguration for enhanced security
  7. Data-driven approaches to cybersecurity in CPS
  8. Practical applications in domains such as smart grids, microgrids, multi-robot systems, transportation networks, and more

We invite researchers, practitioners, and industry experts to participate and actively contribute
to this session. Your insights and experiences will be invaluable in advancing cyber-physical
systems’ secure and resilient development.